Open Source
Runs The World!

Open Source Runs The World!

The use of open source software is widespread everywhere in the world. Even off-planet! 🚀️

Globally, it's becoming more and more important, which results in new regulations such as EU Cyber Resilience Act to "ensure safer hardware and software" and Securing Open Source Software Act of 2022 to "improve open source security and best practices in the government" as a result of the Log4j vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228).

But a lot of the open source software is developed and maintained for free by people in their spare time.

Are you contributing back?

Getting involved in open source projects can be essential for their survival. And there are many ways to do it!

The best solution isn't always to "throw money at the problem", since money won't work if you don't have the time.

My company, make install AB, is a one-man code shop run by me, Jerry, who has been dabbling in open source since the 90s. As a maintainer myself, I get very excited when people contribute their time & code!

Because that means that they are investing in the future of the software.

make install can help!

So what do I do?

  • I hack for you as a consultant!

    Do you need a specific feature in an open source software? Not a problem. Let's talk and figure out how to fix it!

    Got bigger ideas? Then hire me as a contractor! Let's look over the plans together.

  • I help you give back, and I'll help you figure out how!

    Let's set up a call and see what we can work out. I do work like this pro bono at my discretion.

These are just a few things make install can help you with. Don't be afraid to reach out about anything open source software-wise!


#dnscap v2.2.1 released!
Fix #BPF, correctly capture ICMPv6 ^JL
#DNS #Capture #PCAP #OpenSource

#PacketQ v1.7.3 released!
Fixed memory alignment issues and TCP segment handling ^JL
#DNS #PCAP #Analyze #SQL #OpenSource

#dsc v2.15.2 released!
Fix 3 issues reported by code analysis tools ^JL
#DNS #Statistics #Collector #OpenSource

#PacketQ v1.7.2 released!
This patch release fixes various issues reported by CI/code analysis tools ^JL
#DNS #PCAP #Analyze #SQL #OpenSource

#dnsjit v1.4.0 released!
- New module `input.zmmpcap`
- `core.thread` push/pop fixed for floating point numbers
- `input.zpcap` support reading zlib/lzma files
- Removed signal blocking and more... ^JL
#DNS #Lua #JIT #LuaJIT #OpenSource

#dumdumd v1.4.0 released!
- Add `-o flip-qr-bit` to flip the QR bit when reflecting
- Add `-A`/`-R` (reuse addr/port) to `dumdohd`
#DNS #Development #Testing #Do53 #DoT #DoH #OpenSource

#dsc-datatool v1.4.2 released!
- Fixed exception while processing the new SRv6 allocation in IANA's IPv6 parameters file
- Updates to packages and GitHub workflows
#DNS #Statistics #Tools #OpenSource

golang-dns-server-doq v0.4.0 released!
A #golang miekg/dns compatible #DNS-over-#QUIC (#DoQ, #RFC9250) Server, still #WIP but used for Check My DNS (
- Fix handling of read/write deadlines, writing was timed out immediately
#OpenSource #OARC

#dsc v2.15.1 released!
Fixed client subnet indexer which overwrote the mask options during initialization, conf `client_v4_mask` and`client_v6_mask` now works as intended
#DNS #Statistics #OpenSource #OARC

Interested in the latest developments at @dnsoarc? Check out these highlights from the recent months in DNS-OARC's development:

#LoveDNS #DNSOARCUpdates #DNSDevelopmentHighlights ^RP